Day 22 – Recover

Hi everyone! How are you all doing? I am doing OK. Feeling much better than before, but still in the recovery phase. Turned out I had sever tonsillitis that needed surgery. Not only that, I was suffering from Vitamin B12 deficiency, mild anemia which was leading to massive hair loss, and dyspepsia due to unhealthy lifestyle I adopted in Australia.

The good news is I am recovering from my illnesses with proper rest, a balanced diet, and the right medication. But it was terrifying at the beginning when all these diseases came to attack me. I thought I would never recover from it. But, by God’s grace, everything is slowly getting better. I did not even have to do the surgery 😀

I am flying back to Australia as soon as I get back to my previous healthy self. This time, I want to really enjoy being in the country. But first I need a job there. It’s going to be hard but I WILL NOT GIVE UP. Wish me luck!

Day 21 (Taking it easy )

Hey there everyone! Today’s a lovely day here. Not too cold, not too hot. I’m also in a good mood which is why I thought to write another blog. I’m taking it easy these days. No serious work or tension. Just relaxing and doing what I feel like doing.

Have a good time! ( PC: Me)

The last 10 months have been a roller coaster ride for me. Moving from one city to another, switching jobs, and searching for a proper accommodation……..everything seemed just crazy. It’s very hard to live in a foreign country all by yourself. I’m so exhausted right now that I don’t want to go back there anymore.

What shall I do? (Digital Original)

At this point, I’m in a dilemma of whether or not to return to Australia. I need some time to decide. Australia’s a beautiful country, but if you’re living there alone, then there’s not much fun really. If you’re someone like me who doesn’t like to go out much and loves to spend time with family, then you’re not going to get the most out of living in Australia, in fact, in any foreign country.

The night life in Melbourne

I often used to get homesick even though I was earning good money and living in a nice place. Eventually, my lack of peace of mind resulted in me getting sick with fever and a terrible acidity problem. I didn’t even realize back there that I wasn’t eating properly. I just wanted to come back home and be with my mum.

Now that I’m here, hopefully, I’ll get back my strength soon. It’s also a reminder to myself that mental health’s just as important as physical health. We all need to just breathe and take a moment to ask ourselves if we are doing alright. To those who are reading my blog, ask yourself every once in a while, Am I OK? Hope you all are doing OK : )

Day 20 (Regaining Strength)

Hi everyone, hope you all are well. I am finally back to the blogging world after taking a long break from social media. If you had read my last post, then you’d have known my reason for being inactive was due to my dad passing away. I didn’t have the will to do anything. It took me a lot of time to recover from this trauma…but here I am….blogging….

Out and About (PC: Me)

I really don’t know what else to write about except just post random pics I took and artworks I did in Australia. I’m not doing very well both mentally and physically since coming back from Melbourne. I used to feel suffocation when I was living there all by myself. I even used to have nightmares and terribly missed mum and sis. Now that I’m back to my home country, I’m trying to regain my strength by eating more healthy food and just spending quality time with my family.

Glow-Up (PC: Me)

Hopefully, from here on, I’ll be more active on WordPress. I want to talk about my experiences living, studying, and working in Australia. There are some more amazing pics that hopefully, you’re going to love. The next plan is to practice traditional drawing more and posting my pieces of art here. Please pray that I recover soon and get back stronger and wiser.

Thank you for reading! : )

Daddy’s Little Girl (Day 19)

It’s been more than 2 years since my last post here. So much has happened in my life; some good things and some not-so-good things. My last post was when I just received my student visa to pursue my Master’s degree in Australia. Little did I know how much my life would change and there would be no turning back from there. I’ll be sharing my story today and through this, I hope to help and support those who have gone through the same.

I still remember clearly my very first day in Australia when the plane landed in Melbourne. My parents were in EUPHORIA. They thought they would have to send me off to Australia alone, but just two days before my flight, my dad received an email from the visa office that both his and mom’s tourist visas were granted. It was around 4 am when daddy found out about their visas. That night I was sleeping with my mom when suddenly we hear a scream.

My dad screamed in utter joy and came rushing into our bedroom with the news. Half-asleep and confused, mom and I at first thought we were hit by an earthquake. It took me a few seconds to be fully awake and register in my head that both of my parents were going to fly with me to Australia. They’d get to be present at my Orientation ceremony. It was one of the happiest moments of life.

Life is very unpredictable just like Melbourne’s weather. It’s sunny now and the next second it’s cloudy and gloomy. I lost my dad to sudden cardiac arrest last year. Yesterday marked 1 year since the day he passed away. My second last semester just ended and I was enjoying my semester break in Melbourne when I got a phone call at night. It was my cousin brother. I could hear my mom screaming in pain at the back and my heart just stopped. I just knew something terrible had happened even before my cousin broke the news. 

” Your father is no more.”, were the first and the most heart-wrenching words of my life coming out of his mouth. Alone, in my hostel room, I didn’t cry. Somehow I knew this was going to happen. Did it have something to do with my dream? I don’t know. A few days before my dad’s passing I had a nightmare. I dreamed that he left me behind and was walking somewhere in the mist. I’ve always been a very spiritual person and would often dream about events that would eventually take place in the future. I felt that somehow the Almighty Creator was preparing me for this.

Somewhere at the back of my mind, I knew this was going to happen. I tried so hard to ignore my dream and carry on with life. I prayed all the time for my family, but my dad’s sudden death didn’t surprise me as much as it surprised my mom and my sister. I told my cousin to look after my mother and to book a flight for me immediately. That was on Wednesday, 20th November 2019 when our life completely changed.

I guess I was in denial of my dad’s death at first which was why I couldn’t understand how to react to it. It took me about a year to come into my senses and realize that my father is not here in this Earth anymore. It finally dawned on me that I need to stop hoping for missed calls from my dad when I’m in class or eating or sleeping. There would be no more virtual chats or messenger calls with my dad. Daddy’s little girl has to learn to live without him.

Never had I ever thought that I would have to listen the news of my father’s death alone in my room, where I would have nobody to console me, to hold me in their arms and just tell me everything’s going to be fine. But I guess difficult situations make you stronger and a lot wiser.

Maybe not the way you wanted life to teach you good lessons. You learn a lot about people around you and also about yourself. You cannot expect your loved ones to be always with you by your side. Everybody has to leave this world someday. 


Howdy do PEEPOL?! 😀 It’s been a long time since I last posted something on this site. I was working on something that has finally come to fruition. YES! YES! YES! You guessed it right!! ^_^ I’m going to AUSTRALIA!!! The country of Kangaroos, Koalas and all the MOST BEAUTIFUL THINGS IN THE WORLD

I’ll get to experience all of it with my very own eyes!! *_* *_* I can’t wait to fly there and live the life that I’ve always desired. Thank you all for your encouraging words, love, and support for me in every blog that I post here. It has certainly changed me for the better and made me a more optimistic person.

You guys don’t know me and some of you might be thinking that I’m overreacting. But you have no idea how your loving comments have had a huge positive impact on my life, especially during those times when everybody around me was looking down on me thinking I would never achieve anything good in my life.

I’m going to keep this blog short and sweet 😛 Wish me luck everyone ^_^ and keep posting those lovely comments because I love reading ’em all 😀 I’m going to pack my bags now. 😛

CHEERIO!! ^_^ ^_^

You bring COLORS into my Life ❤ ❤ ( Digital Original)

Day 17 ( How people around you shape your life)

A few days ago I came across this biography of Einstein, ‘The Life and Times’ by Ronald W. Clark. I  thought to give it a shot and learn how Einstein became the greatest scientist of the century with his theory of relativity. It was a bit surprising to know how ordinary Einstein was when he was a kid( probably less than an average boy).

Einstein had a problem with his speaking, and it was not until he was nine years old when he was able to speak properly without any struggle. He was such a bad student that his school teacher wrote a letter to his parents telling them that their son was hopeless and could never have a future with the kind of intellect he had.

It was his uncle who got him interested in Physics and Mathematics. The uncle inspired him to further his studies in these two fields. By the age of 13, he was reading all these textbooks and memorized them by heart while his uncle was always by his side correcting him and teaching him the right way to solve problems. His uncle was probably the first person to realize how brilliant Einstein was and selflessly helped him the best way he could to teach him the basics of Science.

Einstein’s father wanted him to be an electrical engineer, but Einstein had other plans for himself. He went to Switzerland and sat for the admission exam at the ETH Zurich University. He failed miserably on his first attempt except for the Math section which he did very well. So, the principal gave him another chance to appear on the exam. Even after managing to pass the entrance exam, he still struggled with his studies and graduated with an average GPA.

Collected from Google

I wish I had the patience to read the entire book but the difficult language and the length of the book kind of bored me. Nevertheless, whatever little information I’ve read, it has managed to stay in my head and made me think how certain people inspire you to do what you do or become what you become.

What if Einstein had never had an uncle like he had? Would he still be inspired to study Physics? If there had been no one to guide him and inspire him to explore the subject, would he still have had the determination to study and experiment with different elements of Physics to come up with one of the greatest theories of the world?


Collected from Google

His uncle was the one who introduced him to this field of study, but what if Einstein had never met this uncle of his? Then how would he have known that Physics was so interesting, that he was so good at something despite being bad at all the other things? The reason why I’m having these questions in my mind is because I’m confused. How a certain person excels in their life and the rest just go with the flow and are unable to achieve something great, even though they are as hard working and talented as that certain person.

Is it their fault that they don’t have it in them to become high achievers, or is it just their bad luck that they haven’t found the right people around them to inspire them to challenge their minds and try to make a better life and be a better version of themselves?

We are who we surround ourselves with. It’s like how people say that those who have had a tough childhood are most likely to suffer from depression. Those who have had family issues and had been brought up in a harsh atmosphere are most likely to grow up being unhappy with themselves and with their lives.

Then, there are some extraordinary ones like Shania Twain, Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, and so many other celebrities who went through so much, but still with their hard work and perseverance, they were able to overcome all the obstacles and came out of it as winners. They had ambition and high hopes to become the best and along their way, they met people who believed them to help them achieve their goals.

There are some who get upset over other people’s success stories, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t one of them. I’m a student and there was a time when I would get really mad at those who would claim to have studied nothing for the exam, but would score the highest in class. But right now, when I’m done with my Undergrad and going abroad for my higher education, I’ve just realized that nothing good will ever come if I keep comparing myself to other people. Such a mindset’s only going to hold me back and refrain me from making friends with people who share the same interests as I do. I don’t want to continue my life constantly fretting over the fact that people are going to outdo me.

All my life I’ve been surrounded by people who only thought that life was all about fierce competition to become the best, to smirk and mock when other people lost and they won, to feel superior to those who were not as good as they were, and to treat the losers invisible because they weren’t good enough to deserve to talk to the winners.

Unfortunately, being around such so-called winners for so long can make one lose hope in humanity and even in oneself. That was pretty much what had been happening to me in the past few years. I lost my confidence, my smile, and even the urge to explore my creativity through drawing.

It was not until I started my own art blog that I realized how important art was in my life. And by the time I completed my Undergrad, I realized life was never about competition, or envying people who were doing better than you. It was about living your own life, doing what you love, and surrounding yourself with people who bring out the best in you.

Sadly, I haven’t found the right people who could inspire me to go out there, take risks, and follow my dreams. I think this was the reason that despite being so hard-working, I couldn’t achieve what I desired. Now that I’m at peace with myself, I’m ready for my next venture. I hope to find what I have been looking for so many years in the place that I’m going.

You will always come across people who will be better than you at something, people who you will find intimidating, daunting perhaps, but never lose confidence in yourself. Don’t waste your time envying them because it will only make things worse. Keep your mind busy by reading good books, taking some time out for your hobby, and spending time with people who bring positive energy into your life and help to keep your sanity intact.

So if you are hard-working  but still having a hard time achieving your goals, please don’t be too hard on yourself or blame yourself for not being as good as others. It simply means that you are not passionate about what you’re doing, or haven’t found the right company to push you to your full potential.

Even the great Einstein had someone to guide him to the right direction. But that doesn’t mean you should stop trying hard and idly wait for the right people to come into your life and change it overnight. Have faith in yourself, never stop working hard, never stop believing in miracles, and you’ll see where life takes you ;).

Day 16( Hello Real World!! ^_^)

Hello EVERYONE!! 😀 😀 I wanted to share some good news with you all ^_^ I’m very sorry that it took me a long time to post my next blog. I was super busy with my last semester of Bachelor’s and yep, you guessed it right 😀 , the good news is that I am finally done with my Undergrad ^__^

A new life, a new beginning, and a new but will-try-to-be a better version of me as I embark on my new endeavor to fulfill my dreams in the Real World.

Nature of Life
Nature of Life (Digital Original)

I’m excited, scared, and a bit doubtful of my own abilities if they are enough to help me achieve my goals in life. It’s daunting to even think about being out there, acting like a grown-up, pretending to know everything while deep inside feeling like a scared toddler who hasn’t even learned to walk properly. Nonetheless, I am happy to keep going and tackle the challenges head-on.

But I will miss being in University where submitting homework, assignments, and attending exams were used to be the only worrisome problems occupying my mind.

Strange Things Around You (Digital Original)

I hate to admit that I’m scared about my future, but I don’t think worrying about it will do any good  :/ So, I’m just going to go ahead and continue working hard. I’ll try my best to not let my failures and struggles affect my smile and happiness in any way 😀

Hence, my fav quote of the day:

‘Use your smile to change the World. Don’t let the World change your smile.’

Wish me luck everyone! ^_^

Don’t Worry. Be Happy! (Digital Original)

Day 15 (Vibrant Kaleidoscope)

Hello Everyone!! Long time no read 😀 😛 I’ve just noticed that I have received 100+ follows here on WordPress ^_^ I thank you all for the success of my blog, even if it’s a crappy one. But this crappy artist is getting less crappier every single day because of you guys ^_^. I practice  drawing  whenever I get some free time for myself, so that I can post my drawings here, for you.

I remember talking about getting 100 watchers on Deviantart in one of my earlier posts. There, I also expressed my wish to have 100 follows on WordPress 😀 😀 It really means a lot to me that you are reading my blogs and inspiring me to do my best through your lovely comments ^_^ .

To celebrate my 100 follows on WordPress, I’m posting some very colorful, vibrant digital drawings today. Hope you like ’em all ^_^

Galaxy Gazing (Digital Original)
Galaxy Gazing (Digital Original)

Day 14 (Sketch with Colors)

Yelloooooo PEOPLE !!!!! How are you all doing?? 😀 You know how I get excited every time I sit to type a blog for you peeps! ^_^ The artworks that I’m posting today will tell you exactly how much I appreciate your loving and encouraging comments about my work :’).

Full of Life (Digital Original)

My zest for art is what keeps me going. It helps me to stay calm and optimistic about life. Even though there are a zillion things in life to stress me out, I know that as long as I have a pencil, paper and an eraser, there’s nothing in this world that can bring me down.

When I’m drawing I feel like a Super-heroine who’s not afraid to stand up against the bad guys, and with great courage and strength, tries her best to take them down. Well, in my case I don’t exactly consider them the bad guys but yes, there are certain people in my life, and I’m sure you have them too, who give you that bad vibe every time you are around them.

But then, I realized that it depends on me how I react to certain situations and to certain people’s actions. If I choose to take the negative events of my life as a positive-learning experience, only then I can control the consequences.

I know, it’s easier said than done :/ , and I’m trying my level-best to master this skill -_- Most of the time, I give in to the bad circumstances of my life, and I often end up being the victim of the people who create these not-so-good situations (sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally) .

But the good news is that now I can handle such situations way better than I used to before I started drawing again. It was my hobby that made me realize that a particular situation or a certain group of people cannot decide who I am and what are my capabilities. I’m the only one who can shape my life and change my destiny.

Time of Joy (Digital Original)

In today’s world, everybody’s aggressively competing against on another. It is very difficult to have a positive attitude towards life and abide by this ‘I believe in Myself’  philosophy all the time. You will always face obstacles in your life that will test your patience and strength. There will be times when you will want to give up and feel like you are in a dark abyss of misery.

Here’s a wonderful quote by Charlie Chaplin to lift your mood, “Nothing is permanent in this wicked world – not even our troubles.”

So, no matter how big the problem is, it will not stay in your life forever ^_^  But during these difficult times where your problems seem an unbeatable force, always remember, no force is stronger than the faith that you have in yourself 🙂

I may be small but I’m not afraid of you… (Digital Original)

Day 13 (Doodly Doodles)

Today’s blog is about the weird doodles I did out of boredom ( some on class notes and some on digital medium) . I once read in an article that people who frequently make doodles are usually very restless and have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. Hmmmm…..that explains a lot about my behavior.

Doodle  (Digital Original)

Even though I’m as lazy as a cow , my mind is constantly thinking about stuff that make like no sense :/ Sometimes I think about dinosaurs and sometimes about fairies. There are times when I contemplate about my future and wish that one day I would become a scientist who would turn this entire world into a CARTOON WORLD 😀 😀 I know, I’m weird :/

But I guess the best part about being restless, about being curious, about being ‘ WEIRD’  is that you don’t need people to keep you interested, to keep you happy. You have your own mind and your own little world to keep you busy ^_^ And the best way to avoid being bored is to draw doodles whenever and wherever you can.

To me nothing is a waste of time, not even doodling. It is believed that people who doodle a lot usually have an active mind because their mind is constantly thinking and refuses to stay still at one topic.

So remember, next time someone laughs at you and mocks you for the weird doodles you make in your notebook, just ignore them. Be happy and proud of this talent of yours because you never know, sometimes the things that seem a waste of time right now might actually prove to be very beneficial to you in the future in some way or another. TATA!! ^_^ .

Ref used  (Digital Original)
Be Who You Are (Traditional)